LinkedIn is the number one social media platform for hiring, boasting over 930 million members from 200 countries. 95% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn to generate leads, hire top talent, and build influential thought leadership reputations.

A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can open doors to career opportunities, valuable connections, and industry recognition.

In this article, I explore the art of creating an exceptional LinkedIn profile by dissecting profiles of individuals who have mastered the platform.

I’ll delve into the elements that make their profiles stand out and why these components are essential for professionals who want to use LinkedIn to market themselves effectively.

Quick Summary
  • A strong LinkedIn profile includes a professional photo, a compelling headline, and a concise summary highlighting your skills and achievements. You should also fill out the work experience section with quantifiable results that prove your expertise in the field.
  • Some of the top LinkedIn profile examples that can inspire you include those of:

What is a LinkedIn Profile?

A LinkedIn profile is your landing page on the LinkedIn platform. It showcases your professional background, skills, experience, and achievements.

It’s simply a digital version of your resume.

LinkedIn is used for job searching and recruitment, networking with professionals in your field, and staying informed about industry developments. It is a powerful tool for career growth and establishing a strong online professional presence.

A LinkedIn profile consists of the following:

  • Profile photo: This is your headshot. LinkedIn uses a circular format for the profile image. Ensure your photo is genuine and looks professional and friendly to create a good first impression to visitors.
  • Headline: A brief description of your current professional role or a tagline that summarizes your expertise.
  • Summary: A summary section where you can provide a more detailed overview of your professional background, career goals, and key skills.
  • Experience: A chronological list of your work history, including details about your job titles, companies you've worked for, job descriptions, and dates of employment.
  • Education: Information about your educational background, including schools attended, degrees earned, and graduation dates.
  • Skills: A list of skills and expertise that you possess, which others can endorse on LinkedIn.
  • Recommendations: Testimonials and endorsements from colleagues, supervisors, or professional contacts who can vouch for your skills and work.
  • Accomplishments: This section may include awards, certifications, publications, projects, and other notable achievements.
  • Interests: You can follow companies, influencers, and topics of interest to stay updated about industry news and trends.

LinkedIn allows you to connect with other professionals, such as colleagues, classmates, and potential networking contacts.

You can share updates, articles, and posts to engage with your network and showcase your professional interests and expertise.

Why is It Important to Have a LinkedIn Profile?

Many professionals do not take LinkedIn seriously; some don’t log into their accounts for months.

But on the other hand, 141 million people log in to the platform daily. These are millionaire CEOs and industry leaders who are more active here than on any other platform.

LinkedIn provides numerous benefits for your professional career and networking efforts:

  • Professional networking: LinkedIn is a powerful platform for connecting with other professionals, colleagues, classmates, and industry peers. Building and maintaining a strong network can open up collaboration, mentorship, and career growth opportunities.
  • Online resume: Your LinkedIn profile serves as an online resume that you can easily update and share with others. It allows you to showcase your work experience, skills, and accomplishments, making it a valuable tool for job applications and interviews.
  • Job search and recruitment: Many employers and recruiters use LinkedIn to search for and identify potential candidates for job openings. A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can make you more discoverable and increase your chances of being contacted for relevant job opportunities.
  • Professional branding: LinkedIn allows you to create and manage your professional brand. You can use your profile to highlight your expertise, share industry insights, and demonstrate your commitment to your field, which can enhance your credibility and reputation.
  • Research and information: LinkedIn provides access to industry-specific information, news, and updates. You can follow companies, join groups, and connect with influencers to stay informed about trends and developments in your field.
  • Learning: LinkedIn Learning, a feature of the platform, offers a wide range of courses and resources to help you acquire new skills and further your professional development.
  • Visibility and recognition: Engaging with your network by sharing content, commenting on posts, and participating in discussions can help you become more visible within your industry. This increased visibility can lead to opportunities for thought leadership and recognition.
  • Recommendations and endorsements: LinkedIn allows colleagues and peers to provide recommendations and endorsements for your skills and work. Positive endorsements can reinforce your professional credibility.
  • Global reach: LinkedIn has a global user base, which means you can connect with professionals and organizations worldwide. It can be particularly beneficial if you have international career aspirations or business interests.

LinkedIn can be a valuable platform for lead generation for your business, side hustle, or freelance ventures. You can connect with potential clients, partners, and investors, and showcase your products or services to your target consumer base.

Using the right LinkedIn tools such as Dux-Soup can help you reach prospects faster and more effectively.

15 Best LinkedIn Profile Examples & What Makes Them Stand Out

Let’s look at the 15 best LinkedIn profile examples and what sets them apart.

All the professionals we’ll look at are highly accomplished in education and experience. They are from different industries. Each one of them has a unique way of building authority and credibility on LinkedIn.

1. Lalaina Rabary

lalaina linkedin profile example

Lalaina's LinkedIn profile is a perfect example of how simplicity and thoughtful branding make a profile stand out. Many LinkedIn users often try to infuse humor or quirky facts to capture attention, which is okay. However, Lalaina focuses on highlighting her professional identity.

Here are reasons why I think hers is one of the best LinkedIn profiles:

  • In her summary, she conveys her deep love for her work and the satisfaction it brings her without the need for humor or fun facts.
  • The contrast between her profile photo and background image conveys attention to detail and makes her profile pop. 
  • She wears an outfit in her profile picture that matches the color of her background image. It creates a visually appealing harmony and reinforces her brand message.
  • Lalaina's mission, “to help others discover and nurture the leader within,” is a memorable and compelling narrative. She paints a clear picture of who she is and what she stands for, making her profile inspiring.
  • Including her volunteer work supports her brand as someone who walks the talk and is committed to positively impacting her community.

2. Joe Pulizzi

joe pulizzi linkedin profile example

Joe Pulizzi's LinkedIn profile stands out because it shows how to establish yourself as a seasoned professional in your field. Several key elements make his profile stand out as an authority in this industry.

  • Joe's headline immediately grabs attention by showcasing his best-selling book, “Epic Content Marketing.” This headline highlights his achievement as an author and positions him as an expert in the field of content marketing.
  • His emphasis on his role as the creator of an annual event and a newsletter for content creators shows that he is not just a passive observer in the industry but an active leader shaping and influencing its direction.
  • By featuring his publications in his profile, he establishes himself as a credible and authoritative figure in the field. This is particularly important in content creation and marketing, where expertise and knowledge are highly valued.
  • Joe's background photo showcases his annual event, “Creator Economy Expo (CEX),” with the tagline “for creators by creators.” The image adds visual interest to his profile and communicates his role as a facilitator in the content marketing industry.

3. Sarah Johnston

sarah johnston linkedin profile example

Sarah Johnston captures attention and establishes credibility as an interview and career development coach with her profile.

Her profile stands out for the following reasons:

  • Her headline grabs your attention because it showcases her services, including resume writing, LinkedIn branding, and her role as a LinkedIn Learning instructor. This immediate clarity allows visitors to understand her expertise at a glance.
  • Her background image showcases her brand image. It also features logos and mentions of publications she has been featured in, such as BBC and Business Insider. This demonstrates her authority and credibility.
  • In her summary, Sarah Johnston shines as a professional coach who exudes warmth and competence. She describes her coaching style with a gentle and understanding approach, assuring potential clients she's there to guide them through their career journeys. She also highlights her award, underscoring her excellence in the field.

4. Neil Patel

neil patel linkedin profile example

Neil Patel's LinkedIn profile is a good example of how you can use your career achievements in your summary to establish authority in your industry without sounding braggy.

Here are reasons why his LinkedIn profile is great:

  • His background image immediately grabs your attention with a compelling question: “Want More Traffic?.” This is engaging to a visitor and aligns perfectly with his expertise in digital marketing, where driving traffic is his central focus.
  • His headline is straightforward and to the point, mentioning that he is a co-founder at Neil Patel Digital. 
  • In his summary, Neil showcases his credibility as a New York Times bestseller. It’s a significant accomplishment that immediately establishes his authority.
  • He goes on to mention how major publications like Forbes have described him. It highlights that he is not just self-proclaiming his expertise but has been recognized by reputable sources, adding trustworthiness to his profile.
  • The rest of his summary is a list of impressive achievements. Neil Patel details how he has contributed to the success of marketing teams at major companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. He demonstrates his extensive experience and the value he can bring to potential clients or collaborators.

5. Jay Baer

jay baer linkedin profile example

Jay Baer is a keynote speaker, author, and B2B influencer. His LinkedIn profile presents a warm and approachable image, making a strong first impression.

Why does his profile stand out?

  • His headshot exudes friendliness and happiness, making him seem approachable and easy to connect with. A personal touch is important in creating a sense of trust and engagement.
  • His background image is a well-thought-out element of his brand. It features him alongside his brand colors and a statement that reads, “The world's most inspirational business growth and customer experience speaker.” It reinforces his expertise in these areas and visually aligns with his brand..
  • In Jay's headshot, there's a video that serves as a summarized version of his “About Me” section. The video feature adds a dynamic element to his profile, giving visitors a quick overview of his expertise and services, which can be especially engaging for those who prefer visual content.
  • His headline is concise and easy to remember, listing his roles and services. 
  • The first two lines of his summary are eye-catching and intriguing, compelling visitors to want to learn more about him and what he has to offer. 
  • In his summary section, Jay Baer highlights his achievements with businesses, emphasizing his track record of success in business growth and customer experience. He also mentions his books, which adds to his credibility and authority in these domains. 
  • He mentions his newsletter, indicating that he's engaged with his audience and provides a way for visitors to stay connected and receive advice and book reviews regularly.

6. String Nguyen

string nguyen linkedin profile example with an element of humor

String Nguyen's LinkedIn profile shows her unique journey and vibrant personality. She blends humor with professionalism, making it a great example of using LinkedIn to express your unique personality and journey.

Here are reasons why this profile is one of the best LinkedIn profiles:

  • Her background image immediately grabs your attention by showcasing her as an artist through her NFT creations. This visual element adds a creative touch to her profile and signals her expertise and involvement in NFTs.
  • Her headline is eye-catching and memorable, incorporating chicken drumstick emojis. It's a clever choice highlighting her roots as a former KFC employee and humorously illustrates her journey from those beginnings to her current roles and achievements.

    This approach expresses her sense of humor and adds a personal and relatable touch to her professional identity.
  • In her summary section, String Nguyen continues to infuse her profile with fun and humor. She takes you on a playful journey through her career, starting with her time at KFC and culminating in her current role as an MD of Chubbyverse.
  • Her ability to share her professional journey in a light-hearted and relatable manner makes her profile stand out.

7. Kristin Tynski

kristin tynski linkedin profile example to showcase industry expertise

Kristin Tynski's LinkedIn profile exudes professionalism and expertise in content marketing. The following reasons make her profile stand out:

  • Her background image features logos of renowned brands she has worked with, such as USA Today and HuffPost. The visual endorsement immediately establishes her credibility and expertise in the industry.
  • Her headline is clear and concise, mentioning her achievements and her years of experience in SEO, content marketing, and public relations. A straightforward approach allows visitors to quickly understand her expertise and focus areas.
  • In her “About” section, Kristin starts by providing compelling reasons why anyone in the marketing space should follow her. She entices her audience, demonstrating the value she can provide to fellow professionals.
  • She delves into the evolution of content marketing over the last 15 years, highlighting her ability to adapt and stay at the forefront of the industry. It reinforces her experience and positions her as a thought leader in content marketing.
  • She rounds off her summary with a clear call to action, inviting business owners who need help with content marketing to connect with her.

8. Darrell Evans

darrell evans linkeding profile example

Darrell Evans' LinkedIn profile reflects a holistic approach to helping businesses succeed, and it's evident from the moment you land on his page. His summary effectively serves as a call to action, inviting readers to connect with him and take the first step toward business growth.

Here are a few reasons why his LinkedIn profile is a well-crafted representation of his holistic approach to helping businesses thrive:

  • His background image, featuring his brand colors and the tagline, “Helping you shift your mind so you can shift your results,” indicates a unique approach and suggests that success starts with a mindset shift.

    Additionally, the promise of providing new content every week signals his dedication to ongoing learning and growth.
  • Darrell lays out his roles and services in his headline while dropping a compelling statistic: “Helped clients profit over $300 million.” This achievement shows his expertise and captures attention, demonstrating the tangible results he has delivered.
  • In his summary section, he speaks directly to frustrated business owners, acknowledging their challenges and pain points. His empathetic approach is an excellent way to establish rapport with his target audience. He promises to be the solution they need for transformation and growth.
  • The mention of the kind of growth business owners can expect is particularly enticing. By offering a clear vision of the benefits of working with him, Darrell motivates potential clients to take action.

9. Gary Pope

gary pope linkedin profile example

Gary Pope's LinkedIn profile is a glimpse into his journey as the Co-Founder of Kids Industries and The League.

His profile stands out because:

  • His background picture immediately grabs your attention with its vibrant and colorful depiction of the products he's been involved in creating. These bright colors make his profile visually appealing and hint at his creative approach to his work.
  • His headline succinctly states his roles as the Co-Founder of Kids Industries and The League, adding an air of authority to his profile.
  • In his summary, Gary starts by sharing his career transition from a teacher to a learning designer. This narrative adds a personal touch to his profile, highlighting his passion for education and learning.

    He then emphasizes his pivot towards the family market, where he found his true calling. His transition story is relatable and inspiring for those looking to switch careers.
  • He shares how Kids Industries was born, providing insight into his entrepreneurial journey. Mentioning clients such as Disney, Manchester City FC, and Mattel, among other big brands, immediately reinforces the credibility and success of his company.

10. Magdalena Woźniczka-Mleczko

magdalena woźniczka-mleczko linkedin profile example for recruiters

Magdalena Wozniczka-Mleczko's LinkedIn profile stands out for its simplicity and straightforward approach to portraying her role as a recruiter for IT companies.

Her profile effectively communicates her expertise and purpose in the following ways:

  • It's clear that she's focused on hiring top talent for Cisco, a renowned IT company. The concise statement highlights her current role and signifies her association with a prestigious organization, instantly establishing credibility.
  • Her background image, featuring a tagline and a hashtag, adds professionalism and branding to her profile. The contrast between her background image and profile photo makes it visually appealing and helps her tagline and hashtag stand out.
  • In her summary section, Magdalena explains the current landscape where machines outnumber people, setting the stage for her role in recruiting top IT talent. She articulates her mission to identify and select top talent for IT positions on a global scale.

    She also highlights her ability to navigate the competitive IT job market and underscores her value in connecting top talent with opportunities in the industry.

11. Nik Sharma

nik sharma - top linkedin profile example

Nik Sharma's LinkedIn profile is a testament to the power of simplicity in effectively communicating expertise and authority in one's industry. It demonstrates that you don't need to write extensively to stand out on LinkedIn.

Why is this profile one of the best?

  • His background image, characterized by bright colors and a strong contrast with his profile image, is visually appealing and helps draw attention to his page.
  • Nik's headline clearly mentions his current position as the CEO of Sharma Brands and a Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree. It’s a brief headline yet impactful, instantly building credibility by associating him with a prestigious recognition.
  • In his LinkedIn About section, Nik keeps it concise with just three lines. He highlights his role as an influential investor and includes his contact information. This minimalistic approach effectively communicates his professional identity and provides a clear avenue for potential connections and collaboration.
  • Nik Sharma's LinkedIn profile demonstrates that sometimes less is more. His simple and to-the-point approach still manages to convey his authority and expertise in his industry while maintaining an inviting and approachable profile for potential connections and opportunities.

12. Beth Kanter

beth kanter - linkedin profile example

Beth Kanter helps nonprofits leverage technology, and her LinkedIn profile stands out for several reasons:

  • First, her use of the term “nonprofits” multiple times in her headline and summary is a smart SEO tactic. It ensures that her profile appears prominently in LinkedIn searches when users are looking for experts in nonprofit technology.
  • At the beginning of her summary, Beth speaks directly to the reader, immediately establishing a connection and inviting engagement. She mentions her recognition as one of the most influential women in technology by Fast Company Magazine, adding to her credibility and authority.
  • Beth also shares her passions, including teaching, and emphasizes her 25 years of experience in this field. It shows her dedication and positions her as a knowledgeable and trusted advisor. 
  • Mentioning her books adds to her authority, demonstrating that she has contributed to the field of nonprofit technology.

Beth Kanter's LinkedIn profile projects a calm and highly experienced vibe, making it an inviting and informative profile for anyone seeking guidance in the nonprofit space.

13. Adam Grant

adam grant - top linkedin profile example with visual elements

Adam Grant's LinkedIn profile is a prime example of a highly effective and visually appealing LinkedIn profile. It effectively conveys his accomplishments, expertise, and authority without the need for lengthy descriptions.

Here’s why his profile stands out:

  • His background image, which features the covers of his authored books, immediately communicates his status as a prolific author and thought leader. It also promotes his upcoming book, “Hidden Potential.”
  • His headline is clear and concise, mentioning his role as a New York Times bestselling author and the host of a TED podcast. This headline is not cluttered with unnecessary information, making it easy for visitors to understand his professional identity at a glance.
  • In his summary, Adam Grant keeps it brief but impactful. He highlights his Wharton Professor role, underscoring his authority in the academic world. 
  • Mentioning his inclusion in Fortune's 40 Under 40 list further bolsters his credibility. He also mentions that his books have sold millions of copies, and his TED talks have been viewed 300 million times, emphasizing his influence and impact in the field.

14. Anthony Gioeli

anthony gioeli - linkedin profile example in the marketing and ai space

Anthony Gioeli’s LinkedIn profile stands out as an outstanding example in the marketing and AI space. Here's why it's so great:

  • Anthony's profile is well-structured and businesslike, aligning with his professional image. There is no humor or unnecessary clutter, allowing visitors to focus on his key accomplishments and expertise.
  • His profile provides a clear overview of his key accomplishments. With a quick glance, you can understand his core competencies and what he can bring to your company. It is crucial for busy professionals who want to assess his value quickly.
  • Anthony employs bullet points to highlight essential information. The format is particularly effective for busy readers, enabling them to extract the most important details efficiently.
  • The presence of numerous endorsed skills and recommendations on his profile by colleagues and connections adds to his social proof.
  • Anthony includes a link to his publication, allowing visitors to purchase his book and connect with him as both a professional and an author. It adds a personal touch to his profile, showing that he is not just a marketer but also a thought leader in his field.

15. Houston Golden

houston golden-top linkedin profile example

Houston Golden's LinkedIn profile is one of the top LinkedIn profiles for several reasons:

  • His background image is filled with services and results to expect and the logos of renowned brands he has worked with, such as Pioneer and ClickFunnels. This visual representation immediately communicates his credibility and experience.

    It also has logos of the publications featuring him, including Bloomberg, Forbes, and HuffPost, which further establish his authority in the industry.
  • Houston's headline starts with “I Will Make You a LinkedIn Influencer” in caps, commanding attention and making a bold promise.

    He adds his establishment,, between fire emojis for a touch of flair. He mentions that he's the author of the LinkedIn Bible and one of Forbes' Top 12 Innovators. He injects humor with ” my kids think I'm hilarious.”
  • His summary section is action-oriented and serves as a call to action for those aspiring to become LinkedIn influencers. Leaving a link makes it easy for interested individuals to take the next step.
  • In the rest of his summary, he highlights his achievements and lists influential clients, such as Russell Brunson, Rob Dyrdek, Prince Ea, Mark Manson, and Jay Shetty, who have become LinkedIn influencers with his guidance. This provides social proof of his expertise and demonstrates the real-world impact of his work.

What Are the Key Elements of a Great LinkedIn Profile?

Creating a great LinkedIn profile involves several key elements. Optimizing them right will help you make a positive impression and effectively communicate your professional identity and accomplishments.

Let’s discuss the elements of consideration one by one.

1. A Great Headshot

Use a high-quality, professional-looking headshot as your profile photo. Dress appropriately for your industry and role.

Ensure good lighting and a clean background. Smile and maintain a friendly, approachable demeanor.

2. A Branded Background Image

The background image, also known as the cover photo, is an opportunity to further personalize your profile.

Use this space to showcase your professional interests, such as a relevant image related to your industry, company, or personal brand. You can also feature logos of brands or clients you’ve worked with.

See how my LinkedIn cover photo features all the brands I own while complementing my profile photo.

shane barker linkedin profile example

Another idea is to add a tagline that communicates what you do and how you can help potential clients or companies on your cover photo.

Ensure the image is high-resolution, visually appealing, and in contrast to your profile image. It shouldn’t be too crowded.

3. A Rich LinkedIn Headline

Your LinkedIn headline appears right below your name and is one of the first things people see on your profile.

Craft a headline that summarizes your current role, expertise, and value proposition. Use relevant keywords to make your profile more discoverable in searches.

Take inspiration from the best LinkedIn headline examples before crafting yours.

4. Your Skills and Endorsements

List relevant skills on your profile and ensure they are accurately represented.

Encourage colleagues, supervisors, and professional connections to endorse your skills and write recommendations for your work.

Authentic endorsements and recommendations can provide social proof of your abilities and accomplishments.

I’ve added over 50 skills to my LinkedIn profile and have been endorsed by dozens of people for each of them.

5. A Customized LinkedIn Profile URL

LinkedIn provides the option to customize your profile's URL.

Choose a URL that includes your full name or a variation of it to make your profile easier to find and share. A clean and simple URL looks more professional when shared with potential clients or partners.

To create a custom URL, just click on the edit icon next to the “Public profile & URL” option on the right panel of your profile page. Type and edit the last section of your profile URL and click “Save.”

edit linkedin profile url for a custom url

Ready to Build an Impactful LinkedIn Profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital handshake to the professional world. It's where opportunities unfold and connections thrive. In this journey, we've explored top LinkedIn profile examples that stand out and uncovered what makes them shine.

Now, it's your turn to craft a profile that leaves a lasting impression.

Remember, your LinkedIn journey doesn't end here. LinkedIn management tools like Sprout Social can help you manage and grow your LinkedIn presence effortlessly.

Optimize your profile, seize those opportunities, and let your professional story shine on LinkedIn. Your next career or business move could be just a connection away!


What should I write in my LinkedIn profile?

Your LinkedIn profile should communicate your professional identity, skills, and experiences effectively. Here's a breakdown of key sections to focus on:

Headline: Craft a concise, informative headline that summarizes your expertise and current role.

Summary: Write a compelling summary that highlights your career achievements, goals, and what sets you apart professionally.

Work experience: Detail your work history, including job titles, responsibilities, and accomplishments.

Education: Mention your educational background, including degrees earned and institutions attended.

Skills: List relevant skills and expertise. Be sure to include keywords that align with your industry.

Accomplishments: Showcase awards, certifications, volunteer work, publications, and projects.

Contact information: Make it easy for others to contact you by providing up-to-date contact details.

Media and links: Attach relevant media files, such as presentations, articles, or videos, to exhibit your work.

What does a perfect LinkedIn profile look like?

There is no one-size-fits-all definition of a perfect LinkedIn profile. However, some common traits of an impactful profile include:

– A professional and high-quality profile photo

– A well-crafted headline that captures attention and clearly tells what you do

– A compelling summary that tells your professional story

– Detailed and well-structured work experience sections

– A list of relevant skills with endorsements

– Recommendations that provide social proof

– An engaging summary and media attachments, such as portfolio samples or articles

– A customized profile URL with your full name

– Regular engagement with your network through posts, comments, and shares

How do I make my LinkedIn profile stand out?

To make your LinkedIn profile stand out and leave a positive impression, you should:

Optimize for keywords: Use industry-specific keywords in your profile to improve discoverability in searches.

Professional headshot: Upload a professional profile photo.

Engaging headline: Craft a headline that describes your current role and highlights your expertise.

Compelling summary: Write a captivating summary that shows your accomplishments, goals, and personality.

Detailed experience: Include specific work experiences, emphasizing achievements and quantifiable results.

Skills and endorsements: List relevant skills and actively seek endorsements from colleagues and connections.

Engagement: Stay active on the platform by posting updates, sharing industry insights, and participating in discussions.

Complete all sections: Fill out all relevant sections of your profile, including education, volunteer experience, and accomplishments.

Consistency: Ensure your LinkedIn information aligns with your resume and other professional materials.

Regular updates: Keep your profile current with recent achievements and experiences.

Presenting yourself authentically will make your LinkedIn profile stand out to potential employers, recruiters, and professional contacts.

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